Faith,  Friends,  Personal

Give ‘Em A Bone

We have a dog. A fancy dog I guess you would say. Her name is Adele and if the grass is too wet or too long or not perfect, you might as well forget taking her out for a quick potty walk. She prefers freshly mowed grass and takes her time finding the perfect spot! She is a little prissy, only wants to be sitting in your lap, and our kids love her!

We are actually not big pet people and don’t know a lot about animals. We found a great fit for us by fostering our dog and we have the guidance of the professionals to tell us what to do with her, what is best to feed her, and what to do in the spring when her allergies get bad. So this post is not really about dogs and my extensive knowledge of them. This blog and this post are about connections, and that’s what I found to be true this week related to our dog. And just for fun…. I’ll overload you with some cute puppy pics!

This post is about looking for opportunities all around you. Be aware of the opportunities God gives you throughout the day to make connections with people. One opportunity for me this week came because of dog bones. I was checking out at a local store and talking to the lady who was behind the counter. A lot of small talk can happen in just a few minutes of scanning groceries. She scanned something I was getting for the princess dog and asked me about it. That led to a conversation about her dogs, their names and ages, and the kind of bones they like to chew. Honestly, I never really pictured myself as person carrying on a conversation about the kind of bones our dogs like! But that was the window that God opened with this lady and I took it. A few brief minutes is all it took to talk about bones, then church and an invitation to come to mine. The phrase, “give them a bone” literally means to give them something small that leads to something bigger. That is exactly what you are doing when you choose to engage with the people around you. You start with something small (maybe literally a bone), and use that as a springboard to something more. Hopefully it will lead to you sharing your story of faith and how you met Jesus.

I would encourage you to start the day asking God to give you eyes and ears to see and hear opportunities that He gives you throughout the day. By talking to him about it you will find that your senses are heightened and every encounter becomes an opportunity to connect and invest. Everyone you run in to has the potential of being influenced by you- one way or another. Seize the opportunities, be willing to speak up, and watch and see how God will use you! It is an exciting adventure to walk with Jesus and be his mouthpiece to the world. I would love to read the comments below and hear how you made connections with strangers and people around you during the day!

Back to the bones…. just in case you were wondering. We were talking about these bones we found out about for our dog. They are Himalayan bones, apparently made in Tibet at one time. They are made from Yak’s milk which is lactose free. I’m glad she has healthy bones, but what I like about them is that she chews on them for DAYS! They cost a little more, but they last a really long time and entertain her for an extended time. (she has had one for about 3 weeks now) Once she chews the bone down to a little piece, you put the bone in the microwave and it puffs up like a giant cheese puff and then she gets to eat it for a treat. So, now you can feel like you were in on the conversation! I’ll include the links in case you want to treat your dog as well! Just click on the pictures below…

This is a 6 pack for small dogs
5 Pack of large bones
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